Vertical machining center debugging steps

Jul. 09, 2021

 Vertical machining center requires careful debugging before leaving the factory or at the installation site, in order to verify whether the machining center is installed firmly, and whether the transmission, driving, control and other systems are normal, sensitive and reliable. Therefore, the debugging steps of the machine tool are very important. Let's look at the debugging steps of the vertical machining center.


   Generally speaking, the vertical machining center commissioning test operation needs to follow the following steps:


  The first step: Add oil to the lubrication points of the vertical machining center according to the requirements of the introduction, fill the hydraulic oil tank with the required hydraulic oil, and connect the air source.


  The second step: Power on the vertical machining center, and each component is powered separately or after each component is powered on for a test, then the power is fully supplied. Observe whether each component has alarms, observe whether each component is normal manually, and whether each safety device is working. All links of the machine tool can be operated and moved.


   The third step: grouting. After the initial operation of the vertical machining center, coarsely adjust the geometric accuracy of the machine tool, and adjust the comparative position of the main moving parts and the host after disassembly and assembly. Align the manipulator, tool magazine, exchange table, position, etc. After these tasks are completed, the anchor bolts of the main machine and various accessories can be filled with quick-drying cement, and the reserved holes for the anchor bolts in various places can be filled flat.


   Fourth step: debugging. Prepare a variety of inspection tools, such as precision level, standard square ruler, parallel square tube, etc.


Step 5: Finely adjust the level of the machine tool to make the geometric accuracy of the vertical machining center within the allowable error range. Use multi-point pad support to adjust the bed level in a liberated state to ensure the stability of the bed after adjustment. .


   Step 6: Use manual driving to adjust the position of the manipulator compared to the main shaft, and apply the adjustment mandrel. When installing a heavy-weight tool holder, multiple automatic exchanges of the tool magazine to the spindle position must be carried out to ensure accuracy and no impact.


  Step 7: Move the worktable of the vertical machining center to the exchange position, adjust the comparison position of the pallet station and the exchange worktable to achieve smooth automatic exchange of the worktable, and install a heavy load on the worktable for multiple exchanges.